Best friends

Best friends

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Golden Retriever

Friendly to people and dogs 
Love to swim......

All the above match the characteristics of medium large sized dog -- GOLDEN  RETRIEVER.  

Golden Retriever can be your very good friend as they are friendly,
not shy dogs. So they are not the best guard dog as they are friendly to strangers too.

Plently of exercises, daily wallking are required for them so as to keep them healthy for years to come

Golden Retriever has smooth, medium -haired double coat which is dense and water-repellent,
For Grooming else, daily brushing is required and pay more attention to their dense undercoat.

The life span for golden retriever is normally between 10 to 12 years. ( I have a member golden retriever which is already 14 years old).  Their common health problem will be hip dysplasia and skin allergies.

Overall , Golden Retriever is a very lovable dog to everyone.


Friday, April 5, 2013